Christian Thought

...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ
(2 Cor. 10:5)

About Dr. Pablo Martínez Vila
The power of His resurrection: Source of encouragement for daily life
The cross of Christ in biblical perspective
“The Seven Words” from the cross, Jesus' supreme sermon
A Thorn in the Flesh

Why I am not an Atheist

Why I am not an Atheist

Facing the Inadequacies of Unbelief

Dr. Pablo Martínez, David J. Randall, Donald Bruce, Alistair Donald, Henk Drost, Elaine Duncan, Alex MacDonald, David Robertson, Chris Sinkinson, Heather Tomlinson, Ravi Zacharias
Why I am not an Atheist

Eleven Christians - including a biologist, a psychiatrist, a journalist, and a debater - travelled on eleven diverse paths to faith in Jesus Christ. This book is the compilation of their answers and experiences written in response to Bertrand Russell's Why I Am Not A Christian.

Each of the contributors bring a warmth and rigor that is both personal and fully engaged with the questions our world - and our hearts - ask. This book will help your heart rejoice in the God who is Lord over every square inch of his creation, and whose word is trustworthy and true.
Mark Ellis, Pastor of Grace Church, Dundee, Scotland

Combines good-going apologetics with the narrative of personal stories, all in a thoroughly readable and always engaging way: believers will be emboldened, doubters fortified, and atheists warmly challenged!
Jeremy Middleton, Chairman of the Crieff Trust

For the many honest, open-minded sceptics who do want to reasonably weigh all the evidence, this book will be thought-provoking, stimulating and perhaps even life-changing.
William Philip, Minister, The Tron Church, Glasgow

The authors faithfully fulfill the apostle Peter's exhortation to give the reason for the hope that they have in Christ.
James N. Anderson, Associate Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina

Read it, pass it on - then get more copies and repeat the process!
John Blanchard, Internationally known Christian preacher, teacher, apologist and author

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