Christian Thought

...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ
(2 Cor. 10:5)

About Rev. José M. Martínez
The power of His resurrection: Source of encouragement for daily life
The cross of Christ in biblical perspective
“The Seven Words” from the cross, Jesus' supreme sermon
Why I am not an Atheist

El gozo que nada ni nadie nos puede quitarThe joy that nothing and nobody can take away from usEl gozo que nada ni nadie nos puede quitarDe vreugde die niets en niemand ons kan wegnemen

The joy that nothing and nobody can take away from us

Dr. Pablo Martínez

Bible passage: Luke 2:10-11, Matthew 2:10

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El gozo que nada ni nadie nos puede quitarThe joy that nothing and nobody can take away from usEl gozo que nada ni nadie nos puede quitarDe vreugde die niets en niemand ons kan wegnemen

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